Aug 28, 2007

The Web 2.0 Smorgasbord

Towards the end of our August 22nd workshop we asked the audience if they were feeling overwhelmed by all of the web 2.0 material being presented to them. The mix of groans and laughter told us that they were...

I reminded them that NOBODY is using ALL of these tools, and suggested that they look at our presentation as a smorgasbord. There will be some tools that appeal to them, while others don't. Some will meet their needs, or tickle there fancies, others won't. If you sit through a two hour presentation on web 2.0 and come away with 3 tasty treats that you can integrate into your professional life or use to enhance your library's services then it's time well spent, IMHO.

Speaking to the feeling of being overwhelmed by it all, I thought Meredith Farkas made a good point in her recent post, "Division, dogma, and just doing a good job"

[T]hese social technologies are not always the most important things to be focusing on at your library. In fact, you really shouldn’t be focusing on tools at all, but on what your patrons’ needs are and what you most need/want to accomplish in your work. If some of that can be accomplished using social tools, great! If not, that’s great too.

So take a deep breath everyone. You don't need to master every web 2.0 technology that comes down the pike. We're just encouraging you to sample a little here and there. Take a taste. Try things out. Play. Nine out of ten times (if not more) the tool or technology won't have any relevance for you. But there's still an inherent value in trying out the new toys. You'll start seeing how they often fit together and inter-relate through the magic of RSS and widgets.

The table is set. Dig in! (no pun intended)

Now playing: Dar Williams - The World's Not Falling Apart
via FoxyTunes

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